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5 Results

15.3 Kudzu

15.3 Kudzu

Marv was the last to enter, blocking the little light breaking in through the smashed doorway. I could smell it again, the smell of refuse. We were crowded together in what had to have been another one of the holding cells for the slaves down belo... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Brendell Marv Wikith Abigail Crag Kricoo Geralt Wallace Seth Garlar Ferek
15.2 Kudzu

15.2 Kudzu

We led the way into the staircase, down to the cavern below. No one made a sound. It was solemn stepping down those stairs, with ten or so other groups of mixed races. This could be it. This could be the last thing we did on this island. Zef's eye... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Brendell Marv Wikith Abigail Crag Kricoo Geralt Wallace Seth Garlar Ferek
15.1 Kudzu

15.1 Kudzu

"How are we all supposed to get through that?" asked Lobo. How he still had the nerve to talk around us was beyond me. But who knows, maybe there was still hope for even him. We all stood along the edge of the valley, hidden behind the pillar-moun... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Kethral Lobo Marv Abigail Cairn Kricoo Simone Geralt Wallace Seth Hartol Garlar Ferek
9.2 Anemone

9.2 Anemone

"We are the Grandsome Glories," said Geralt. I smiled at the child-like naming of his group. He didn't pay any attention though and stood with his head pulled back and his hand out to make them look more glorious, I guess. Seth kind of ruined it w... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Geralt Wallace Seth
8.5 Ivalace - Geralt

8.5 Ivalace - Geralt

Geralt awoke in a large canvas tent to the sound of the light patter of rain. The clouded skies made it still dark out despite his internal clock usually waking him just about at sunrise. Geralt looked around the room, saw no leaks in the tent far... Read More

2 Tags: Geralt Wallace Seth


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