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16 Results

21.5 Interlude: Geralt

21.5 Interlude: Geralt

Kaia lumbered off into the battle sitting at the center of the awkward leggy vine suit, with Lolan sitting on her shoulder and Tigala just behind them. Man, they sure are cool, thought Geralt. It was hard not to be excited fighting alongside them... Read More

Tags: Palem Bubba Geralt Kesq Porthos
20.3 Ash

20.3 Ash

"You don't understand," I said. "We have to tell the others about this." "I don't think you understand," said Kesq. "This is very powerful magic. It has the potential to change the world. We can't just go around telling anybody about it. That's wh... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Srak Sillius Amara Cairn Palem Klaus Sparr Kesq Porthos
19.3 Sequoia

19.3 Sequoia

The doom drake tore through the city. Debris exploded into the sky with each strike. And we were miles away. I looked around for others. Many were reeling from the previous attacks and the fall of the monster. The dust still hadn't fully settled ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Arthur Malcolm Porthos
19.2 Sequoia

19.2 Sequoia

"This is our shot," I yelled. "If we don't stop it here, we might not ever stop it. Give it everything you've got." The military didn't respond, they just watched in silence as the colossus lumbered forward, seemingly growing taller by the second ... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Porthos
18.2 Oak

18.2 Oak

"What do we know so far?" I asked. We sat in the center of a large room of what looked like a library. The books that littered the ground were barely recognizable now. After being waterlogged for hundreds of years, it made sense. Several people I ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Kethral Cavel Arayoo Palem Bubba Porthos
17.4 Interlude: Amara

17.4 Interlude: Amara

"I expect you'll have the colonists back here shortly?" said Amara. "Yes, of course," said Sillius, the balding Gnome with the mustache. He looked at her like he was unsure of her judgment. She tried to suppress the anger that brought. It was hard... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Amara Geralt Porthos Frackle
17.3 Hazel

17.3 Hazel

I didn't know what to say or do. Was there anything that would change her mind? Or were we destined to fail from the start? What was the situation between her and Zef? Here I thought that bringing news of her father would gain us the chance to at ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Amara Porthos
17.2 Hazel

17.2 Hazel

There was a rush of magic as I stepped through the portal. It felt like stepping into a liquid, but it looked more like I was inside one of those magical veins that I had run into so many times on Daegal. The river of violet energy rushed against ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Amara Geralt Porthos
17.1 Hazel

17.1 Hazel

"I believe," said Klaus as he finished relaying the visions, "that the book that he found may have belonged to Shayde Mortem. If the carving on the back of this medallion is any clue, he might be a direct descendant." "What was in the book?" yell... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Sillius Palem Bubba Geralt Klaus Porthos
14.4 Dandelion

14.4 Dandelion

"We need to go after them," I could hear the growl of Tigala over the crowd. "Something could have happened. We can't just leave them alone out there." "They're not alone," said another familiar voice. It was deep and antagonizing. Lobo. "They hav... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Lobo Dunnel Cairn Simone Geralt Porthos
14.3 Dandelion

14.3 Dandelion

This is so stupid! I thought to myself—and said aloud earlier—but now wasn't the time to talk. All around me, the dead shifted and wandered. The smell wasn't as bad as I would have expected. The bodies seemed pretty far along in the de... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Srak Cairn Porthos
13.8 Ficus

13.8 Ficus

"WUUTTT?" said the giant glowing tree. I was pretty sure it was a question. That would make for an interesting name. But I was supposed to be learning about them, not mocking their name choices. "A name. What are you called?" I said, clarifying. T... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Srak Sillius Cairn Porthos Grollok
13.7 Ficus

13.7 Ficus

The giant tree with a green glowing face stared at me. Was it thinking? Was it frozen? Did it understand what I said? I stared back at it shaking slightly. It was just a tree, but it was still powerful. I didn't know what they'd do. I could only g... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Sillius Dunnel Cairn Porthos Hartol
13.5 Ficus

13.5 Ficus

I broke into a run toward the swarm of thrashing trees. The Gnomes were already ahead of me looking for the quickest route to their people. The trees looked different this time around. They weren't just thrashing wildly but looked more like an arm... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Srak Dunnel Cairn Porthos Hartol Garlar
13.4 Ficus

13.4 Ficus

I looked over at the group of Saurians as they marched through the forest in silence. They were big. Like the Beasfolk, they were a head and shoulders taller than the Humans and Elves on average. It didn't help with my fears of them already. Their... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Srak Sillius Dunnel Cairn Porthos Hartol Garlar
13.3 Ficus

13.3 Ficus

All of the different races began conversing, planning the best ways forward, and discussing the earthquake we had all just endured. I turned back to the Gnome house, grabbed my bag, and headed back into the road as the crowd began to separate and ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Lobo Torm Sillius Cairn Kricoo Porthos Hartol


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