

Abigail about me Action Adventure Amara Annette Anson Arayoo Arthur Ashlynn Book Release Brendell Bubba Cairn Calack Cavel Chipry Chras code Coran Cover Reveal Crag Creda Daegal DOMS Duma Dunnel Fantasy Fenna Ferek Frackle Galia Garlar Gatooli Gemma Geralt Gisela Griff Grollok Hartol Havik Jaku Kadero Kaia Katan Kesq Kethral Kevin Klaus Kricoo Leena Lobo Lolan Luvon Lyndon Malcolm Marv Master Tavish Mila Mother Mystery Nadira Palem Paranormal Porthos Progress Update Quetza Raffa review Riak Rodrigo Self Publishing Seth Sillius Simone Skaith Sparr Sprig Srak Sungura Talia Tallesia Tarnall The Wonderful Dead Thrask Tibil Tigala Torm Tula'be Vern Victor Wadu Wallace Wikith Zef

22 Results

22.0 Methuselah

22.0 Methuselah

One month later The trek back to Birdsbane wasn't easy. So many were injured—so many people had died. It felt wrong to leave the bodies behind to be consumed by the flames, but we didn't have much of a choice. We barely had the time to get t... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Marv Abigail Nadira Crag Amara Palem Geralt Klaus
21.6 Banyan

21.6 Banyan

I clung to Grollok's arm in my full vine armor. Lolan climbed up onto the treant's shoulder and Tigala held onto the top of his forearm as the tree walked toward the doom drake. Even at the top of his canopy Grollok only stood a little less than h... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Malcolm Grollok
21.5 Interlude: Geralt

21.5 Interlude: Geralt

Kaia lumbered off into the battle sitting at the center of the awkward leggy vine suit, with Lolan sitting on her shoulder and Tigala just behind them. Man, they sure are cool, thought Geralt. It was hard not to be excited fighting alongside them... Read More

Tags: Palem Bubba Geralt Kesq Porthos
21.3 Banyan

21.3 Banyan

Malcolm stood atop the doom drake as it let out a devastating roar. The ground shook and all attacks stopped for a moment as we waited to see if the worst had actually happened. The doom drake stood tall, still taking advantage of the momentary r... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Malcolm
21.1 Banyan

21.1 Banyan

This couldn't be happening. How did it know where we were? And how was it possible that it traveled so fast? This monster was always one step ahead of us, mostly just by being infinitely more powerful than us. This did not look like a battle we co... Read More

Tags: Kaia Lolan Rodrigo Geralt Malcolm Kesq
20.7 Ash

20.7 Ash

In an instant, the magic in the room flickered. Sparks of purple and white shot out in random directions. Images of people from my memories appeared, making no noise and disappearing just as quickly as they came. Portals appeared in random locatio... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Geralt Klaus Sparr Kesq
17.6 Hazel

17.6 Hazel

It was dark out. I could hear people shuffling around, making arrangements, retelling the story of the doom drake's awakening. I couldn't bring myself to join them though. There was too much going on. Zef was gone, and I nearly lost my own life ag... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt
17.5 Hazel

17.5 Hazel

I stood staring down at the vat of acid below me. The guards with a staff at my back, urging me slowly forward. It was too late. I turned to Tigala and gave the slightest of nods, and she started her transformation. "Wait," came a voice behind me.... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Amara Geralt
17.4 Interlude: Amara

17.4 Interlude: Amara

"I expect you'll have the colonists back here shortly?" said Amara. "Yes, of course," said Sillius, the balding Gnome with the mustache. He looked at her like he was unsure of her judgment. She tried to suppress the anger that brought. It was hard... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Amara Geralt Porthos Frackle
17.2 Hazel

17.2 Hazel

There was a rush of magic as I stepped through the portal. It felt like stepping into a liquid, but it looked more like I was inside one of those magical veins that I had run into so many times on Daegal. The river of violet energy rushed against ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Amara Geralt Porthos
17.1 Hazel

17.1 Hazel

"I believe," said Klaus as he finished relaying the visions, "that the book that he found may have belonged to Shayde Mortem. If the carving on the back of this medallion is any clue, he might be a direct descendant." "What was in the book?" yell... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Sillius Palem Bubba Geralt Klaus Porthos
16.5 Cypress

16.5 Cypress

The Avian's eyes flickered white, and then back to normal. "How do you know Zef?" I asked, more angrily than I had intended. The crane looked at me. "He's an old friend." His eyes flickered white again as he looked at me. Then, after a pause, he s... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Marv Abigail Geralt Klaus Sparr
16.4 Cypress

16.4 Cypress

I left the Treeks behind me, climbing the rubble up to the level where the others searched and helped people that were buried and injured. I wasn't sure what to do. I could help, but I didn't have the piles of dirt that Palem and Kadero did. I did... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Klaus Sparr
15.6 Kudzu

15.6 Kudzu

I felt the heat and knew this was it. My eyes were closed tight anticipating the pain. But when it came, it dissipated just as fast. I opened my eyes and saw that the Human was no longer standing over me. He was on the ground getting attacked by a... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Geralt Malcolm
15.4 Kudzu

15.4 Kudzu

I ran out of the room, away from the chaos. I took the staircase heading deeper into the cavern and continued on the quickest route to the bottom. I glanced over my shoulder to see who was with me. Tigala, Zef, and Geralt. "They need your help," I... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Wikith Havik Geralt Malcolm
15.3 Kudzu

15.3 Kudzu

Marv was the last to enter, blocking the little light breaking in through the smashed doorway. I could smell it again, the smell of refuse. We were crowded together in what had to have been another one of the holding cells for the slaves down belo... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Brendell Marv Wikith Abigail Crag Kricoo Geralt Wallace Seth Garlar Ferek
15.2 Kudzu

15.2 Kudzu

We led the way into the staircase, down to the cavern below. No one made a sound. It was solemn stepping down those stairs, with ten or so other groups of mixed races. This could be it. This could be the last thing we did on this island. Zef's eye... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Brendell Marv Wikith Abigail Crag Kricoo Geralt Wallace Seth Garlar Ferek
15.1 Kudzu

15.1 Kudzu

"How are we all supposed to get through that?" asked Lobo. How he still had the nerve to talk around us was beyond me. But who knows, maybe there was still hope for even him. We all stood along the edge of the valley, hidden behind the pillar-moun... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Kethral Lobo Marv Abigail Cairn Kricoo Simone Geralt Wallace Seth Hartol Garlar Ferek
14.4 Dandelion

14.4 Dandelion

"We need to go after them," I could hear the growl of Tigala over the crowd. "Something could have happened. We can't just leave them alone out there." "They're not alone," said another familiar voice. It was deep and antagonizing. Lobo. "They hav... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Lobo Dunnel Cairn Simone Geralt Porthos
12.6 Dracaena

12.6 Dracaena

"He should be stable now," said the apothecary. "Are you sure? We can't wake him up? There's nothing else we can do?" I asked. I didn't want to just leave him like that. Raffa was still unconscious with his upper arm now wrapped in the cleanest cl... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Galia Lobo Marv Cavel Cairn Kricoo Simone Geralt Luvon Leena
9.2 Anemone

9.2 Anemone

"We are the Grandsome Glories," said Geralt. I smiled at the child-like naming of his group. He didn't pay any attention though and stood with his head pulled back and his hand out to make them look more glorious, I guess. Seth kind of ruined it w... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Geralt Wallace Seth
8.5 Ivalace - Geralt

8.5 Ivalace - Geralt

Geralt awoke in a large canvas tent to the sound of the light patter of rain. The clouded skies made it still dark out despite his internal clock usually waking him just about at sunrise. Geralt looked around the room, saw no leaks in the tent far... Read More

2 Tags: Geralt Wallace Seth


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