

Abigail about me Action Adventure Amara Annette Anson Arayoo Arthur Ashlynn Book Release Brendell Bubba Cairn Calack Cavel Chipry Chras code Coran Cover Reveal Crag Creda Daegal DOMS Duma Dunnel Fantasy Fenna Ferek Frackle Galia Garlar Gatooli Gemma Geralt Gisela Griff Grollok Hartol Havik Jaku Kadero Kaia Katan Kesq Kethral Kevin Klaus Kricoo Leena Lobo Lolan Luvon Lyndon Malcolm Marv Master Tavish Mila Mother Mystery Nadira Palem Paranormal Porthos Progress Update Quetza Raffa review Riak Rodrigo Self Publishing Seth Sillius Simone Skaith Sparr Sprig Srak Sungura Talia Tallesia Tarnall The Wonderful Dead Thrask Tibil Tigala Torm Tula'be Vern Victor Wadu Wallace Wikith Zef

8 Results

20.2 Interlude: Brendell

20.2 Interlude: Brendell

The deep breath hurt. Brendell's chest rose and fell, but it felt distant. It was somewhere else. Somewhere where he wasn't. Where was he? He wasn't sure. Somewhere locked inside of a dream. Everything was black. There was no movement, nothing to... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Brendell Nadira Cavel Klaus
18.2 Oak

18.2 Oak

"What do we know so far?" I asked. We sat in the center of a large room of what looked like a library. The books that littered the ground were barely recognizable now. After being waterlogged for hundreds of years, it made sense. Several people I ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Kethral Cavel Arayoo Palem Bubba Porthos
12.6 Dracaena

12.6 Dracaena

"He should be stable now," said the apothecary. "Are you sure? We can't wake him up? There's nothing else we can do?" I asked. I didn't want to just leave him like that. Raffa was still unconscious with his upper arm now wrapped in the cleanest cl... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Galia Lobo Marv Cavel Cairn Kricoo Simone Geralt Luvon Leena
11.4 Chrysanthemum

11.4 Chrysanthemum

We made our way to the base of the hill where the Dwarves were gathered around. Their tents were cleared from the area since they moved their encampment underground. Instead, the clearing had several pillars built around it. The pillars were short... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tibil Marv Abigail Gemma Cavel Dunnel Cairn
8.3 Ivalace - Lolan

8.3 Ivalace - Lolan

People stared at them, studied them as they walked into the colony. Kaia was looking worse for wear. She was sweating and holding her own weight less and less as they walked. Lolan was tired, but he couldn't give up now, not with the end so close,... Read More

1 Tags: Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Talia Cavel Dunnel
7.5 Rest

7.5 Rest

I looked in the direction Raffa was staring and the forest was alive with creatures. An army of woodland and jungle animals charged through trees and underbrush. Among them were a rhinoceros, an elephant, a giant eagle, a gorilla, a towering warth... Read More

3 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Lobo Torm Raffa Marv Abigail Crag Talia Sungura Cavel Dunnel Cairn
7.4 Rest

7.4 Rest

The next morning came in much the same way as the previous one. There was darkness all around us, only to be broken by the daylight that a Dwarf let in as he said, "We're going to the colony. If you plan to travel with us, we'll be leaving shortly... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Raffa Marv Abigail Talia Cavel Dunnel Cairn
7.3 Rest

7.3 Rest

Zef kneeled down next to me. "That was a good idea, but it couldn't have waited until you were able to at least walk again? You need to rest." "I don't know," I said, my voice soft. "She could be trying to poison us," yelled a Dwarf with a rough v... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Chipry Marv Abigail Talia Cavel Dunnel Cairn


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