

Abigail about me Action Adventure Amara Annette Anson Arayoo Arthur Ashlynn Book Release Brendell Bubba Cairn Calack Cavel Chipry Chras code Coran Cover Reveal Crag Creda Daegal DOMS Duma Dunnel Fantasy Fenna Ferek Frackle Galia Garlar Gatooli Gemma Geralt Gisela Griff Grollok Hartol Havik Jaku Kadero Kaia Katan Kesq Kethral Kevin Klaus Kricoo Leena Lobo Lolan Luvon Lyndon Malcolm Marv Master Tavish Mila Mother Mystery Nadira Palem Paranormal Porthos Progress Update Quetza Raffa review Riak Rodrigo Self Publishing Seth Sillius Simone Skaith Sparr Sprig Srak Sungura Talia Tallesia Tarnall The Wonderful Dead Thrask Tibil Tigala Torm Tula'be Vern Victor Wadu Wallace Wikith Zef

6 Results

15.4 Kudzu

15.4 Kudzu

I ran out of the room, away from the chaos. I took the staircase heading deeper into the cavern and continued on the quickest route to the bottom. I glanced over my shoulder to see who was with me. Tigala, Zef, and Geralt. "They need your help," I... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Wikith Havik Geralt Malcolm
10.7 Interlude: Malcolm

10.7 Interlude: Malcolm

It was annoying that he had to do this every day. Malcolm had better things to be doing. But it would all be worth it once it was all said and done. A minor inconvenience for a better world. A world without hatred. So, as annoying as it was, he sa... Read More

1 Tags: Havik Kadero Gisela Annette Arthur
6.8 Roots

6.8 Roots

I turned around to see Havik as he plunged a dagger into my side. The pain ripped through me and I fell to my knees. I felt him pull the dagger back out and then heard a thunderous growl. I dropped Talia to the ground and there was a cracking soun... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Talia Havik
6.7 Roots

6.7 Roots

"The cavern's coming down!" Someone shouted behind me as a wagon-sized rock fell from the central column and crashed into the floor. The vine wrapped around it had pulled a section of the column out of line from the rest and the column was proving... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Chipry Marv Abigail Crag Talia Havik Riak
6.6 Interlude: Talia

6.6 Interlude: Talia

"Abigail. I need some more oregano for this soup. Can you go ask Gemma?" Abigail was laying on a cot on the other end of a crude tent. She was dirtier than her mother liked her to be, but that was the way it had to be when exploring a new land. Sh... Read More

1 Tags: Abigail Talia Havik Gemma Vern
6.2 Roots

6.2 Roots

I pushed Tigala back into the crevice as soon as the Gnome stepped out of the portal, hoping he hadn't seen us. We peaked our heads over a rock and watched as he looked around. Whoever he was, he seemed wealthy. He wore bright clothes fashioned ... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Chipry Marv Abigail Crag Havik


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