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6 Results

21.6 Banyan

21.6 Banyan

I clung to Grollok's arm in my full vine armor. Lolan climbed up onto the treant's shoulder and Tigala held onto the top of his forearm as the tree walked toward the doom drake. Even at the top of his canopy Grollok only stood a little less than h... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Malcolm Grollok
21.4 Banyan

21.4 Banyan

The dragon fell, but the battle raged on. The battlefield was even more destroyed than before. It looked like an unknown subterranean land. Smoke and storm clouds blotted out the sky. Rocks stabbed up into the air, some so high that you couldn't s... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Abigail Amara Dunnel Palem Malcolm Grollok Ferek
19.1 Sequoia

19.1 Sequoia

"What do we know," I asked, looking around at the leaders who had gathered around us at the edge of Birdsbane. Behind me, the trees stood like towers, shading us from the sun. "It showed up in Brighton," said Rodrigo. "It attacked without warning ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Cairn Arayoo Palem Grollok
18.5 Oak

18.5 Oak

The magic slammed into the vine creature and it instantly began to grow. It grew taller and denser, faster than anything I could have done on my own. I was already canceling the magic in anticipation of things going horribly wrong, but it still wa... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Palem Bubba Kesq Grollok
18.4 Oak

18.4 Oak

I really wished we brought a Saurian with us today to convince her that we weren't dangerous. The Saurian breathed heavily as she realized she was outnumbered. Her eyes darted around, and then she turned and ran. She swept her arm down as quickly... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Palem Bubba Kesq Grollok
13.8 Ficus

13.8 Ficus

"WUUTTT?" said the giant glowing tree. I was pretty sure it was a question. That would make for an interesting name. But I was supposed to be learning about them, not mocking their name choices. "A name. What are you called?" I said, clarifying. T... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Srak Sillius Cairn Porthos Grollok


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