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11 Results

21.7 Bayan

21.7 Bayan

We finally had it. We had an advantage. It was a gap in Malcolm's knowledge, and we had to do everything we could to use it while it was still unknown to him. I stared up at him as he landed back on top of the doom drake's head. He looked back dow... Read More

Tags: Kaia Malcolm
21.6 Banyan

21.6 Banyan

I clung to Grollok's arm in my full vine armor. Lolan climbed up onto the treant's shoulder and Tigala held onto the top of his forearm as the tree walked toward the doom drake. Even at the top of his canopy Grollok only stood a little less than h... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Malcolm Grollok
21.4 Banyan

21.4 Banyan

The dragon fell, but the battle raged on. The battlefield was even more destroyed than before. It looked like an unknown subterranean land. Smoke and storm clouds blotted out the sky. Rocks stabbed up into the air, some so high that you couldn't s... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Abigail Amara Dunnel Palem Malcolm Grollok Ferek
21.3 Banyan

21.3 Banyan

Malcolm stood atop the doom drake as it let out a devastating roar. The ground shook and all attacks stopped for a moment as we waited to see if the worst had actually happened. The doom drake stood tall, still taking advantage of the momentary r... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Malcolm
21.2 Banyan

21.2 Banyan

Everything was hazy as we entered the cloud of debris above the battle at the monster's feet. It looked like an apocalyptic land, which may not be far from the truth. The ground was shattered and covered in ice and bouts of fire. Animals attacked ... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Malcolm
21.1 Banyan

21.1 Banyan

This couldn't be happening. How did it know where we were? And how was it possible that it traveled so fast? This monster was always one step ahead of us, mostly just by being infinitely more powerful than us. This did not look like a battle we co... Read More

Tags: Kaia Lolan Rodrigo Geralt Malcolm Kesq
19.4 Sequoia

19.4 Sequoia

I looked at Malcolm and then over the edge of the dragon that we stood on. "I didn't mean to," I said. "Oh, didn't you?" said Malcolm. "This is what we do. Why wouldn't you be just waiting for your chance to kill me?" "No," I said. "I decided not ... Read More

Tags: Kaia Malcolm
19.3 Sequoia

19.3 Sequoia

The doom drake tore through the city. Debris exploded into the sky with each strike. And we were miles away. I looked around for others. Many were reeling from the previous attacks and the fall of the monster. The dust still hadn't fully settled ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Arthur Malcolm Porthos
16.6 Interlude: Klaus

16.6 Interlude: Klaus

Klaus's vision swirled with images. Images of a man in a dark cloak, a boy cowering in the corner of the room, an infant, a man holding hands with an older woman. They didn't make sense. They never did. It was only through Klaus's highly trained a... Read More

1 Tags: Klaus Malcolm
15.6 Kudzu

15.6 Kudzu

I felt the heat and knew this was it. My eyes were closed tight anticipating the pain. But when it came, it dissipated just as fast. I opened my eyes and saw that the Human was no longer standing over me. He was on the ground getting attacked by a... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Geralt Malcolm
15.4 Kudzu

15.4 Kudzu

I ran out of the room, away from the chaos. I took the staircase heading deeper into the cavern and continued on the quickest route to the bottom. I glanced over my shoulder to see who was with me. Tigala, Zef, and Geralt. "They need your help," I... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Wikith Havik Geralt Malcolm


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